A rooftop transport
The rhythm of life
I was overwhelmed by what I saw the moment we entered Bago.
There were no lanes, there were no rules. It was chaos. But among the apparent chaos was an immense surge of culture.
Rolling hills on Kyaiktiyo
The jetty to Dala
Poverty and tourism
Stories were told of the poorest village in Dala as we rode along its streets. He stopped paddling; a clear sign to alight our trishaws. In the distance lay a straf of attaps squashed like there wasn't space.
As we strolled along muddy paths, we prepared money for necessities but were instead told to purchase packets of snacks from a store; a strategically located store standing right in front of the slums. It's obviously catered to tourists like us.
Meanwhile, a line of children stood anxiously awaiting the snacks.
Living conditions were undeniably poor but the experience somehow inauthentic.